Thursday, 24 October 2013

How to Become a Computer Expert

Edited by Leanne Pattinson, Mel, Flickety, Ali Heart and 39 others

Expertizing means keeping the subject or matter mostly in your hand. To become an expert in computers you need to understand the many different areas of a computer. It will take some time and dedication. Once you become an expert, troubleshooting general and specific issues will be no problem at all!

Method 1 of 2: Steps in Details

  1. 1
    A Computer Expert needs to master the Computer Hardware. You have to know software and Java script updates or know how to check if something is right to download something. Troubleshooting, Operating Systems (O, and O/S related troubleshooting and Different Programming Languages. You have to know certain types of words that are to be used on the computer like the words troubleshoot you got to know what that means. Troubleshooting is when you fix a problem that's why it's one of the important words on the computer like if you can't go on the internet and you had seen the word troubleshoot and you don't know what it means, you can mess up the whole network.
  2. 2
    Step by step you need to learn. Starting with 'Windows' system is better and easier approach. Learn each and every basic functionality of Windows. Start working with "Windows Registry". If you own a Mac, then OSX will be the default for you, but don't fret. It is very easy to master and get familiar with.
  3. 3
    First of all you need to know the "Fundamentals and History of Generations of Computer".
  4. 4
    Then you must master basic programming languages like 'C'.
  5. 5
    Then learn Windows programming with 'Visual Studio 6.0'.
  6. 6
    Now it's good time to get out of 'Windows' and Get into 'LINUX'. 'Fedora' or 'Ubuntu' will be the best option.
  7. 7
    Learn Shell scripting well enough. Try to remember most of the commands and filters. Use 'vi' editor instead of 'gedit' or such type of GUI editors.
  8. 8
    Learn Computer Architecture, Operating System Basics.
  9. 9
    Then when you have finished all the above, it will be best time to join a Computer Hardware and Networking Course.
  10. 10
    Then you will be able to find the way to be expert yourself.
  11. 11
    After you have done all mentioned above you will be able to troubleshoot most of the general issues and will be referred to as an "Computer Expert" to everyone around you.

Method 2 of 2: Steps in Brief

  1. 1
    Take a computer course. People are more likely to listen to someone who has a recognized qualification under their name. Even if it's just passing their GCSE I.T!
  2. 2
    Make sure you have a computer. Or better still an old one so you can try different things. Try experimenting with a Linux CD as the regular use of command lines will sure to increase your computer knowledge fast!
  3. 3
    Be prepared to fix. Every time your computer goes wrong, resign yourself to fixing it yourself. You have the Internet now and visiting tech support forums will allow you to communicate with others who have had the same problem.
  4. 4
    Don't be afraid of your computer! What have you got to lose by tinkering with that registry if your computer is already in an unusable state? You could save yourself the trouble of re-installing Windows (or whatever operating system you have).
  5. 5
    When fixing other people's computers, be sure to bring a flash drive with the following: AVG free setup file (in case they have no anti virus), CCleaner, Auslogics Disk Defrag setup file and Firefox or Opera (to introduce them to the alternative). You can use these programs to free up space, disable start-up programs which might cause conflicts and search and destroy viruses. You can also leave them on the computer if they are unprotected.
  6. 6
    Read tech support forums to recognize the symptoms of well known problems. For example a slow and unresponsive PC could indicate a virus and failure to boot into Windows could be a driver problem.


Mental Tips

  • Learn each subjects with intense Concentration.
  • Give importance to troubleshooting because that's the thing for which people needs an expert mostly.
  • Don't stop revising the old lessons.
  • Enhance your knowledge by creating algorithms rather than just implementing previously done algorithms from book.

Other Tips

  • Become a member of Tech Support Guy site, which is located on address. Be sure to reply to as many problems with a solution as possible
  • Make sure you have a Windows CD in case you can't fix the problem and need to start from scratch and make sure you can use it
  • Remember these useful tools to access behind the scenes of Windows XP and Vista; msconfig and services. Type into the start and run bar
  • Hiren's Boot CD will become a big parts of your software tools.
  • Don't be afraid to play with new software.
  • Keep a copy of downloaded software to save time downloading later and to use as a backup if the latest version/update of a program goes belly up.
  • If you only working with operating systems and software, do it in a virtual machine so you don't risk messing up your computer.


  • Being a Computer Expert is a life long process. If you are genuinely not interested in Computer, don't try to be. It will cause more loss than profit.
  • Go for it if and only if, Computer is your passion and Love.
  • Make sure you're not going to make any computer problem worse by having some knowledge of it before you fix your neighbors PC
  • Don't fiddle with settings on a perfectly working family computer. Have an old 128mb RAM basic tower that your friends scrapped years ago to do that with! Then mess around until your heart is content!

Things You'll Need

  • A second basic computer for backup and testing things with
  • Computer knowledge
  • A flash drive with essential tools
  • A decent search engine; or use wikiHow for solutions.
  • 22-in-1 Screwdriver set.
  • One wire cutter or Plus.
  • Digital Multimeter.
  • Anti-Static Device

Words from the Writers

We are grateful to every single person who is reading , modifying or enhancing this article.


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