Tuesday, 29 October 2013

How to Crimp Cat 5

Category-5 cable (or Cat-5 cable) is the most common type of cord used for wiring computers together in a network. While Cat-5 cables are readily available in various finished lengths, cutting and crimping your own is a far more cost-effective method for wiring together large networks. Learning how to cut and crimp Cat-5 cable is a simple process requiring only a few items.


  1. 1
    Determine the amount of Cat-5 cable you will need. If you only need a few lengths of cord to wire a home network or other small network, consider buying cables in finished lengths from a computer supply store. If your needs are larger, come up with a rough estimate of the total length of cable you need.
  2. 2
    Purchase the items you will need to build the cables. You will need to buy 3 things: a length of Cat-5 cable, as many RJ-45 heads as you need, and a wire crimping tool. Cat-5 cable is best purchased from small computer supply stores; larger chain stores are less likely to carry bulk spools of cable. The plastic ends of the cables are called RJ-45 heads, and can also be purchased from computer supply stores. Each cable needs 2 heads, so buy twice as many as the number of cables you want to make. When buying a Cat-5 crimping tool, look for a model that includes a wire snipping tool. To be conservative, buy more cable and heads than you think you need.
  3. 3
    Cut the cable to length. Determine the length needed for your cable and use the wire cutting tool on the crimping tool to cut the cable to this length.
  4. 4
    Prepare the ends of the cable for crimping. Use the wire cutting tool to strip away about half an inch (12.5 mm) of the outer coating on each end of the cable. You will see 8 small colored wires twisted into 4 pairs. Carefully untwist each pair so that each of the 8 wires is separate. Now arrange the wires in the proper order. From left to right, put the wires in this order: green and white, green, orange and white, blue, blue and white, orange, brown and white, brown.
  5. 5
    Place the Cat-5 cable ends into the RJ-45 heads.
  6. 6
    Determine the orientation of the wires. (see pic)
  7. 7
    Line the 8 wires up neatly so that they will fit into the plastic head. Carefully insert the wires (all at once) into the plastic head, pushing them in as far as they will go. The exposed wires should line up with the 8 small metal contacts in the head.
  8. 8
    Crimp the head onto the cable. Place the plastic head into the appropriate slot in the crimping tool, being careful not to dislodge the 8 wires. With the head positioned properly, apply pressure to the crimper's handles to clamp the head down onto the wires. The metal contacts should now be touching each of the 8 wires. Repeat this process on the other end of the cable.
  9. 9
    Test your cable if desired. If you have a cable testing tool, insert both ends of your finished cable into the tool to check for a signal. The cable should now be ready to use.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Cat-5 cable
  • RJ-45 heads
  • Cat-5 crimping tool

How to Crimp Rj45

RJ-45 connectors are normally used in telephone and network cables. Occasionally they are used for serial network connections. When the RJ-45 connectors first came into use, they were primarily used for telephones. The great advances in technology created a need for another size connector and the RJ-45 was adapted to fit. Today there are 2 different RJ-45 connector sizes available, 1 for Cat 5 cable and 1 for Cat 6 cable. The user has to make sure they have the one suited to their job. The easiest way to tell them apart is to compare them side by side. The Cat 6 connector is larger than the Cat 5 connector. Below are instructions for crimping RJ-45 connectors to a cable.


  1. 1
    Purchase your cable and your RJ-45 connectors. Most ethernet cable is sold on spools of varying lengths, so you might have to measure and cut the amount you need when you get home.
  2. 2
    Strip 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of the outer skin at the end of the cable wire by making a shallow cut in the skin with a utility knife. Run the knife around the cable, and the jacket should slide off easily. There will be 4 pairs of twisted wires exposed, each of them a different color or color combination.
    • Orange-white striped and solid orange
    • Green-white striped and solid green
    • Blue-white striped and solid blue
    • Brown-white striped and solid brown
  3. 3
    Fold each pair of wires backwards to expose the core of the cable.
  4. 4
    Cut off the core and discard.
  5. 5
    Straighten the twisted wires using 2 pair of tweezers. Grasp a wire beneath a bend with 1 pair of tweezers, and use the other pair to gently straighten the bend. The straighter your wires, the easier your job will be.
  6. 6
    Arrange the untwisted wires in a row, placing them into the position, running from right to left, in which they will go into the RJ-45 connector:
    • Orange with a white stripe
    • Orange
    • Green with a white stripe
    • Blue
    • Blue with a white strip
    • Green
    • Brown with a white stripe
    • Brown
  7. 7
    Trim the untwisted wires to a suitable length by holding the RJ-45 connector next to the wires. The insulation on the cable should be just inside the bottom of the RJ-45 connector. The wires should be trimmed so that they line up evenly with the top of the RJ-45 connector.
    • Trim the wires in small increments, checking frequently to ensure a correct fit. It's better to cut the untwisted wires a few times than have to go back and start all over again because you trimmed off too much.
  8. 8
    Insert the wires into the RJ-45 connector, making sure that they stay aligned and each color goes into its appropriate channel. Make sure that each wire goes all the way to the top of the RJ-45 connector. If you don't make these checks, you will find that your newly crimped RJ-45 connector is useless.
  9. 9
    Use the crimping tool to crimp the RJ-45 connector to the cable by pressing the jacket and cable into the connector so that the wedge at the bottom of the connector is pressed into the jacket. Recrimp the cable once more to ensure proper connection.
  10. 10
    Follow the instructions above to crimp an RJ-45 connector to the opposite end of the cable.
  11. 11
    Use a cable tester to assure that your cable is working properly when both ends are crimped.


  • When inserting the untwisted wires into the RJ-45 connector, press the cord beneath the untwisted wires between your thumb and forefinger to help keep the wires straight.

Things You'll Need

  • Cable
  • RJ-45 connectors
  • Utility knife
  • Crimping tool
  • Cable tester
  • 2 pairs of tweezers

Thursday, 24 October 2013

How to Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free

After you have had your computer for a while,you may notice that it is not running as fast and as well as it once was.Maybe you have a specific problem,or perhaps you are just experiencing a general slowing-down of your machine.This article will give you tips on how to clean up your computer and solve your computer problems for free.


  1. 1
    Update your software. Any time your computer prompts you to update your software, you should do it. This is especially true of any virus protection, disk cleanup, or security updates. You should also update your web browser, as new editions will often come with security upgrades. Updating your software can help you prevent computer problems before they start.
  2. 2
    Clean your registry. In Windows, the registry is a large database of program information, settings, and more. Over time, it can become filled with useless information that slows the functioning of your computer. Fortunately, there are a number of free programs that can help you clean your registry, which should improve your computer’s performance.
    • A list of free registry cleaner programs, with reviews, can be found here. Make sure that the program you download fits your needs.
    • Do not try to manually clean your registry, as you could end up deleting something that it critical to your computer’s functioning.
    • For more information and a step-by-step guide to cleaning your registry, see [Fix your Computer Registry for Free]
  3. 3
    Run a free online virus scanner. There are a number of virus protection programs that can be purchased for a fee that help protect your computer. There are also many free online virus scanner programs that can detect viruses on your computer.

  4. 4
    Call for a free diagnostic. Fortunately, a number of companies offer free diagnostics for computer problems. These consultations are usually done over the phone. If you cannot figure out the source of your problems, it may help a great deal to call one of these hotlines and see if they can figure it out for you.

    • Note that this does not necessarily mean that it will be free to actually have your problem solved, just that you can get a free diagnosis of your problems.
    • Do a Google search for “free computer diagnostics”. This should turn up a number of websites with numbers that you can call, as well as any stores in your area that might offer free diagnostics.
  5. 5
    Talk to friends, acquaintances, or co-workers about your computer problems. Talking with people you know can be the best way to get computer advice without having to pay. Maybe you have a friend who is good with computers or an IT employee at your office who would be willing to help you out. It never hurts to ask, so go ahead and ask, but be considerate if it is beyond their abilities to help.

  6. 6
    Browse Internet forums for advice with problems. If you have a specific problem with your computer, you should try doing a Google search for it. There are numerous Internet forums where people come together to discuss computer problems, and you may just be able to find your solution.
    • Some places to start that might be helpful:
    • If you do not feel comfortable trying to implement one of the solutions mentioned online, it is best not to. It is better to pay for help with your computer than to permanently damage your computer in an attempt to fix it.
  7. 7
    Consult a reliable source before trying any self-fixes. The worst thing you can do is to make your problems worse by trying to implement a fix that you are not comfortable with. This is especially true of removing files from your computer, since the language of the computer is often difficult to understand, and you can end up deleting critical files. So, always make sure to consult an expert before applying any drastic changes. This can be a friend, IT staff at work, online forum, or a free consultation service.


  • Never remove files if you are not exactly sure of their function. You can cause more damage in the long run by deleting files and programs that are critical to your computer.
  • Always cross-reference advice that you find online. Make sure that any advice you receive from a faceless source is referenced in multiple places. This will not only save you time if the advice is bad, but it can also potentially save you from damaging your computer.

How to Design and Build a Laser Cut Computer Case With Plywood

The most extreme computer-builders create computer cases entirely from the ground up. Using templates from their own parts and the internet, they use a variety of household materials to craft a case, such as aluminum sheets, acrylic or plywood. However, its extremely difficult to build a case because the majority of time is spent actually building while in comparison, very little time is spent designing a case. This tutorial is going to show how to flip that process and create the best computer case to suit you.


  1. 1
    Get your design tools. Something like AutoCAD 2013 to make a template which will be cut out of plywood using a laser-cutting machine.
  2. A very rough draft of the computer
    Have a basic idea of what you are going to do. Something like a very rough draft, which I would follow when designing the case.
  3. This is the foundation for the rest of your build
    Design a mounting plate. This piece of plywood is where you will mount your motherboard, power supply, and wood stubs for mounting hard drives.
  4. The wood stubs are on top and the hard drive sleds are on the bottom. The hard drive sleds and the front panel connector plate mount to the stubs
    Design parts to mount your hard drives. In this instance, you want the hard drives to be accessed from the back, so build sleds to screw the hard drives onto. Those sleds would be mounted onto wood stubs that connected to the mounting plate.
  5. 5
    Design cooling and front panel connectors. I built this plate to be mounted in front of the hard drives with spacing for 92mm fan mounts which would blow air across the hard drives, Make sure there is an inch of space between the mount and the hard drive sleds! I also made a hole for a 22mm power switch, which would be pushed through both the plate and the front panel. A mount for front panel connectors such as USB 3.0 ports can be cut into this as well.
    Image:MiniITX front panel connector.PNG
  6. 6
    Design your top and bottom panels. On mine, these need to fit over the mounts on the top and bottom of the component plate. I added spaces for 120mm fan mounts on both panels.
    Image:MiniITX top and bottom.PNG
  7. 7
    Design your front and bottom panels. The ones I designed are to be pushed into the top and bottom much like the wood stubs for the hard drives. Make sure to correctly measure where the IO shield and front panel connectors (switches, USB ports) would fit on the front and back panels.
    Make sure the cuts line up!Make sure the cuts line up!
  8. Make sure there are openings for air over your parts so they get adequate cooling
    Design your side panels. These need to fit in the spacing on the front and back panels. Also add air intakes to give the components adequate cooling and to keep the wood from becoming less fatigued.
  9. Once that's done, its easy to assemble a computer! (This is not the same computer as in the previous pictures)
    Make sure your parts fit together. If you're happy with your design, you can send it to company that does laser cutting to get your plywood parts. Assembling your computer should take under an hour.


  • Get templates for computer parts from both your parts and the internet. Make those parts in CAD and implement them into your model to make sure everything fits
  • Always test your parts before buying them
  • Software such as AutoCAD tend to be very expensive. If you qualify, it is recommended to get a student version.[[1]]
  • Use material thicker than 1/8". Otherwise, the case will be flimsy. This case uses 1/4" thick birch plywood.
  • The kerf of the laser causes more material (.005 inches) to be cut off from either side of the line which the laser follows on your template while cutting. You can compensate for this by offsetting lines by .005 inches in the direction away from the object which you want cut out. This is more necessary for parts that slide into other parts.
  • Some parts that slide into other parts receive a lot of stress because they must bend. This can be done by adding .02 inch radius circles to corners of sliding parts and trimming them so that they make the corner bigger.
    This is an example of a corner that has been made longer. Since this is a sliding piece, it must take more stress and fit perfectly with other pieces, which is why the sides have been offsettedThis is an example of a corner that has been made longer. Since this is a sliding piece, it must take more stress and fit perfectly with other pieces, which is why the sides have been offsetted
  • Get your parts from a reliable company that does laser cutting. These parts were cut at Pololu Custom Laser Cutting[[2]]

How to Control Two Computers Using One Mouse and Keyboard With Quicksynergy

QuickSynergy is a graphical interface for Mac OS and Linux for easily configuring Synergy. Synergy is an application that allows the user to share the mouse and keyboard between two or more computers. Without the need for any external hardware, Synergy uses the TCP/IP protocol to share the keyboard and mouse, even between machines with different operating systems, such as Mac OS, Linux, and Windows.

Licensed under the GNU General Public License, QuickSynergy is free software. QuickSynergy is a free open source software program that allows you to use one mouse and keyboard to control two computers. No KVM switch is necessary.


  1. 1
    In Ubuntu Linux go to the Synaptic Package Manager and install QuickSynergy on both computers.
  2. 2
    Start QuickSynergy on both machines.
  3. 3
    On the computer with the keyboard input the computer name of the other computer in the position that it is and click 'Execute'.
  4. 4
    On the other computer choose the 'Use" tab. Enter the IP address of the computer with the keyboard and mouse that you are going to use. Click 'Execute'


  • On the computer with the keyboard and mouse enter only the name of the other computer in the position that it is - Above, Left, Right, or Below.
  • On the computer that you will be controlling enter only the IP address of the computer with the keyboard and mouse that you will be using.